The Healthy Life Diet is a blog about .... not necessarily a Diet
but it's more of everything, because when you're on a Diet, you're only going to be on it for a while.
The Healthy Life Diet is about everything, is about changing your whole diet and lifestyle so you're always eating the healthiest food possible and having the healthiest balanced lifestyle ever. (happiness, accomplishments, inner peace, etc etc)
The Logo ?
I've thought of using an apple, or any other fruit, but that won't represent the whole concept of The Healthy Life Diet.
A Fruit basket ? naahh... too supermarket-y
Laughter ? I was actually going for an apple and a smile underneath....;p
but I decided that words will best describe the blog, thus the logo is born
and besides .... I love stripes :)
a few color swatches

andd....... The header/banner and square banner